Monday, March 1, 2010

Chile Earthquake

A massive 8.8 earthqauke hit Chile Saturday morning. It prompted several aftershocks, including a 6.3 earthquake in Argentina that killed two individuals. In addition, the quakes caused a tsunami in Hawaii that did not cause any casualties or damage. A tsunami was also felt in Ventura, California. Even though the building codes in Chile are better, there’s still a lot of structural damage done to a lot of the buildings and it will take a lot of time and money to re-build now that the quake is through. The earthquake caused many deaths, injusries and left thousands of people wihout homes. The earthquake in Chile released approximately 500 times as much energy as the Haitian earthquake in January, the death toll has been much lower, because of better seismic construction and the early morning tremor. This was Chile's second time facing an earthqauke. The first in 1960 which was known as world's biggest earthqauke which was caught on camera by scientists.

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