Tuesday, March 9, 2010

America's Obsession with Celebrities.

Why are we Americans so obsessed with celebrities? Well  the answer is plain and simple. Our lives are so boring and dull that we have to go pick on someone else's lives. And the best type of people for that is celebrities. There lives are so exciting and entertaining. We Americans just wait around for the celebrities to make just one mistake so we can spread rumors to the whole world. According to us thats what we call fun. Ruining lives for celebrites because our lives so boring and dull.

An example of this is the Tiger Woods incident. His car accident helped us find out that he cheated on his wife with numerous amount of women. The minute this was revealed the first thing we Americans did was drop whatever we were doing and turned on the t.v or computer or whatever we can get more information from, which is kind of disturbing because thats how obsessed we are with celebritiy gossip. Another example of celebrity gossip was when model Naomi Cambell abused and harrased her cab driver. I mean i understand why she did it and she does deserve some time, but that doesn't mean you have to tell the whole world and make a big deal out of it to embarass her. I mean people kill each other all the time and half the times cops and judges let them get away with it. And this celebrity does one little thing and the world goes cheering because they found a celebrity doing something wrong. Like i said before we do this because our lives are so dull and boring. http://www.popeater.com/2009/12/07/more-women-in-the-tiger-woods-scandal-emerge/


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