Thursday, May 27, 2010

Five restaurants that I would visit.

5 Restaurants I Would Visit

5 restaurants that I would visit if I had the time and unlimited funds are:

1. Aji Sushi, a japanese restaurant that I heard serves one of the best Japenese foods in the city. It was rated a 4 out of 5 and serves one of the best sushi's in the city. The dish I would buy from this particular restaurant is Oshizushi. Oshizushi is pressed sushi, in which the fish is pressed onto the sushi rice in a wooden box.

2. CinaMoon Restaurant, a polish restaurant located in Manhattan Avenue. It is a Polish restaurant that was rated 5 out of 5 in retsuarant reviews. It has the best polish food according to people who have been there. It also has very good prices. It gives you the food you paid for and more. The cuisine I would try from this restaurant is Golabki. This is cabbage rolled up in rolls with different toppings inside.

3. Atlantic Catering, a 5 star American restaurant that serves the best traditional American food according to critics. The dish I would try from there is the smoked salmon with sliced tomatoes and red onion. According to people that went there, this dish is one of the best dishes they had in American traditional food. It is everything they paid for.

4. Apple Bee's, this is another one of the American restaurants I would visit. Although the restaurant was rated a 3 out of 5 people that been there said it had wonderful service and great food. It is said that it is the best restaurant to go to with family and friends if your looking for fun. The dish I would try from there is the traditional grilled shrimp and sinach salad along with a Ceasar Salad.

5. Andaz, an indian restauarnt rated 5 out of 5. It is said it has the best service and bst indian food in the city. The dish i would try from there is the Fried Potato curry with a side order of cole slaw along with it. It is the best place to visit when you are in the mood for indian food.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Olive Garden Restaurant Review

I've been to many restaraunts that have given me food worth my money, and they also had good customer service and lines were fast moving in a nice pace. olive Garden was not one of them. Although Olive Garden is known all over NYC, and is known as one of the best italian restaurants in NYC, it is not. In my opinion Olive Garden has long, long lines that m,ove very very slow. Although the menu has good food listed on it, its not served properly. When i went with family and friends, I ordered Chicken Parmagian and wasn't what i expected at all, it was worse. Along with that, the service took way to long. I ordered my food with my family hours before i actually got the food on my table in front of me. According to me in my opinion, i wuold give Olive Garden a 3 out of 5 in restaurant ratings. But who knows maybe it was just one of there bad days.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Miss America 2010

Judges have finally selected a new woman to be Miss America. As it turns out Rima Fakih is Miss America 2010. Whats even more interesting is the new Miss America is a of the Islamic religion. Her parents were born to a muslim family and so was she. Although they are muslim they celebrate both the Islam and Chrisitian holidays. Although Rima Fakih was voted Miss America 2010, there were controversies on whether she should be Miss America because a recent video of her pole dancing was leaked. Another thing is since she was elected Miss America as a muslim, there will be many problems and controversies amongst the muslim community. There will be many arguments o n whethere this is right or not, and well, the muslim community will definitely consider this wrong. They will also say how this will give Islam a very bad image worldwide. All we can do now is wait and see what will happen, because time can tell everything.

Friday, May 7, 2010

N.Y. can live with fewer teachers Editorial

Dear Editor,

I am referring to your opinion posted on the Daily News editorial section where you said NY can live with fewer teachers. I disagree with your statement about having less teachers and more students per class. The reason why I disagree is because a lot of the schools in NY are already crowded with around 30-35 students per class when there's really suppose to be 20-25 students per class. If NY has less teachers this then means that in some schools the students per class can rise to 40 or more students. In a crowded class like those what can we posibbly learn? It would be to distracting, noisy many other problems. Another thing is many teachers have only one job, which is to teach. If teachers get laid off then they won't be able to support there families or kids. Instead of laying of teachers, why not lay off the teachers that don't teach at all and  just sit around all day, then hire teachers that actually teach and want kids to pass. Because many teachers in NY come to school to teach because they have to and not want to. There are many people out there that want to be teachers, not because they need a job to support themselves.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Calm, Cool and Collected President Editorial

Dear Editor of the New York Times ,

I am referring to your opinion that you posted on the editorial section of the New York Times about President Obama being calm, collected and cool. I agree with you when you say President Obama is one President who can keep his cool in times like this. Usually you would expect a President to become rude and cranky when hes in stress because of all the problems going on around the world that he has to handle. I mean when your soldiers are in war dying daily and suffering, or when our country is going bankrupt or something worse you expect a President to probably just give up because it's to much to handle. But President Obama he has everything under control and stays calm with a postivie attitude that says "Things will start to get better". He always has a smile on his face which gives a great deal of relief to everyone and he always has a serious face when hes talking about something very serious. He thinks about the citizens and the people all around the world, not just himself. It seems as if we just got the President that we had been wating for for ages.

A homeless, illegal hero left to die editorial.

Dear editor of the New York Post,

I am referring to you opinion posted on the editorial section of the New York post on the homeless man that was left to die after saving a women from a robber. I completely agree with you when you say there are very few people left with humanity in this world. If 20 people passing a women being robbed and don't help and leave a homeless man to stop the robbery then pass by him dying in the streets is called humanity then this world is worse then we thought. What I'm trying to say is, okay you let a homeless man save the woman, but at least try to help him when he's dying , i mean he's a homeless man with no family and no where to go. Many people just left him to die because he's homeless and has no importance in the economy. Well, for all of you that think that, consider your self with no heart. Even a homeless person matters, even if they have no where to go or no one to go to. All humans are equal and deserve to be treated equally with the same amount of respect, disrespect, friendship and love. Not to many people think this way because if they did then this world would have been a place with no violence and crimes. Sadly, this world has a very long way to go before we can achieve something like this.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

South Park Makes Fun of Prophet Muhammad Editorial

Dear Editor of Fox News ,

I am referring to the opinion you posted on the editorial section of Fox News about South Park making fun of Prophet Muhammad. On your editorial you wrote "we should not get scared by muslims that threaten to kill the South Park creators for making fun of Prophet Muhammad." Then you said the South Park creators should've replayed that episode a couple of times. Well that is total disrespect. Islam is a religion about peace and sacredness. They in any way do not make fun of any religion or any people. They keep there opinions to them selves and respect other religions. To disrespect a religion that never disrespects another religion on t.v, shows that we humans have no humanity left in us. Although i agree with you by going against the people that try to kill the creators of South Park because of this incident, I know it is not right to kill people that airs a show that everyone loves, but there should be some sort of consequence for making fun of such an innocent religion that respects every other religion. Although the world sees Islam as a religion that commits the sin of terrorism and violent doesn't mean we are all like that. There are specific Islamic people that think terrorism is the right thing to do. The true believers and followers of Islam do not consider terrorists as Muslims because everyone knows Islam forbids violence and terrorism completely.